HOUSE - We signed our contract on Friday. We have our inspection next week. I think our closing date is Sept. 28th and we take possession Sept. 30th.
REMODEL - We are knocking out a wall and painting before we move in but the new counter tops and things will have to wait just a bit as it turns out when you buy a house they want you to actually pay for some part of it and stuff which reduces the amount of cash reserve available for counter tops. I don't believe this is true in England, but that's because they don't have such a backward system there. My understanding is that in England, if you see a house you like you just move into it and if the government likes you they give you some money every month to live there.
THANKSGIVING - We're booked, thanks to everyone that's coming. In fact we're pretty much booked the entire month of November. It's not too early to get your Christmas reservations in however. Rates at the new house start at $49.00/night plus pet deposit. That does include one meal a day. Let's hope you're there on the days I'm cooking (sorry Sommer).
GRAVE ILLNESS - Unless saying otherwise will get me out of any manual labor, I'm recovered.
BABY NAMES - We've got some winners picked. Sommer says we're not supposed to say what they are though until the baby comes. I'm going to leave that to a vote of the populace. Let me know what you want.
WEDDING BAND - I got mine yesterday. It's pretty nice. The chain doesn't quite match the ball but I got it on discount. I think we can shine it up a bit with one of those citrus oxy clean things.